March 13, 2025

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WESEP: Wind Energy Science, Engineering, and Policy

Level 3: Specialization Courses

We have developed advanced “specialization” team-taught courses that will provide students with depth in the research areas most closely aligned with each student’s dissertation topic. Each student will be required to take one of these courses.

Wind Energy 511. Wind energy system design. 

Catalog description: WESEP 511 Wind Energy System Design (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: WESEP 501 and 502 or consent of instructor. Advanced design and control of horizontal-axis wind turbines which include design loads, component design and prediction of its residual life, design of wind farms, electromechanical energy conversion systems, and control system and its implementation.

Prerequisite knowledge for the course:  Wind energy science and engineering knowledge at the level of WESEP 501 and 502.

Wind Energy 512. Wind energy system deployment.

Catalog description: WESEP 512 Wind Energy System Deployment (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: WESEP 501 and 502 or consent of instructor. Advances in manufacturing, construction, reliability, supply chain, economics and policy for wind energy. Topics include sensor optimization, reliability analysis, advanced automation, fabric layup, transportation infrastructure planning, markets and public policy, and risk attitudes and perceptions.

Prerequisite knowledge for the course:  Wind energy science and engineering knowledge at the level of WESEP 501 and 502.